Friday 23 June 2017

The bargain jeans that rival Topshop! ♡

I've lived in Topshop jeans from about the age of fourteen. Jamie, Joni, Baxter, Leigh - you name it I've had a pair. My most favourite style though, have to be their Joni jeans. I own five pairs in numerous colours that I find myself continuously replacing due to their inability to last more than six months. And the black are the worst. They fade quicker than the speed of light, they wear through at the knees and in the back and at £38 a pair I'd started to think they were becoming a bit of a one way investment.

A month or two ago we were discussing said jeans at school when one of my friends told me to try the Matalan 'Jessie' Jeans. "They'll change your life and save your bank account" was her proposition.  So I went and ordered a pair. And she was so right. Firstly, they're £16 - which is less than half the price of Topshop's Joni. They're also made of much better quality material, so you don't get that thing where they go baggy at the knees after wearing them once, and apparently Matalan use way better dye, as I've had these a good month now and despite being washed loads they haven't faded a bit. Yeah, you don't get a choice of leg length and they are a little long when I don't roll them up but hey, I'm saving £12 and a heck of a lot of shopping trips. In my opinion it's worth it. If you're on the lookout for Topshop Joni dupes, I'd really suggest giving these a go.

Have you tried any other replacements for Topshop's well loved product? Let me know, I'd love to try more!

Maddie x

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